The Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Oil Stains from the Carpet

crteam November 22, 2020 Carpet Cleaning , Do It Yourself

Pouring oil onto a carpet instead of into a pan is certainly a disaster recipe. Accidents do happen at home and oil stain is no exception. Whether it’s cooking oil, motor oil, hair oil, baby oil, or lamp oil, this sticky liquid is undoubtedly one of the trickiest elements to remove from the carpet. Though trickiest, not impossible. No matter what type of oil gets spilled on the carpet there are DIY ways to remove the stubborn stains from the carpet that too in no time. 

 It’s all starts with quick action 

The sooner you act, the easier it is to get rid of the stains. The more time you leave the oil stain untreated, the more it will be difficult to clean. Blot all the excess oil spilled with a paper towel (even a newspaper will do). 

You can just place the paper over the stain and let it be there for at least 15 minutes. Once the oil gets soaked, repeat again until all the oil is completely absorbed.

Now you can start with the cleaning process

How to get oil out of carpet 

#Method 1 – Using cornstarch or baking soda 

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda or cornstarch on the stained area. Make sure you completely cover the area.
  • You can rub the powder if you want but gently so that it gets nicely penetrated into the deep carpet fibres. 
  • Allow the powder to settle down for at least 15 minutes or half an hour. 
  • Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove the powder.
  • You can rub some liquid washing soap with a soft brush directly on the remaining stains. Or, you can also create a mixture of warm water – two cups, white vinegar – one tablespoon, and liquid hand dishwashing detergent – one tablespoon.
  • Soak a sponge in this solution and start rubbing it on the remaining oil stains.
  • Take some cold water and rinse the area. 
  • Blot with a clean clot.
  • Let it dry by putting on the fan or with a hairdryer.

Both baking soda and cornstarch are organic and non-toxic which makes them a safe option for home cleaning without causing any negative impact on humans, pets as well as fabric. Another advantage is, both the powders are inexpensive. 

#Method 2 – Using isopropyl rubbing alcohol

  • Take a small amount of rubbing alcohol and apply it to a clean cloth. You can even use a paper towel. 
  • Press the cloth on the stained area.
  • Let the carpet dry.
  • Repeat the process until the stains get completely vanished. 
  • You can remove the excess rubbing alcohol either by rinsing it with water or blotting it with water.
  • Blot it dry with a paper towel.

Though rubbing alcohol is entirely safe, it is toxic in nature. So, it is better to conduct a patch test before using it on the carpet. You can test it on some inconspicuous space. Rubbing alcohol is solvent, hence it will easily dissolve the oil and get it separated from the carpet fiber. 

#Method 3 – Using a dry cleaning solvent

  • Do not dilute the dry cleaning solvent, directly apply it to a clean cloth or paper towel and press it on the stained area.
  • Rub it from the outer edges to the middle of the stain.
  • Press hard and let it settle for several minutes (at least 10 to 15 minutes). Ensure the solvent gets nicely penetrated deep into the carpet.  
  • Blot the dry cleaning solvent from the carpet. Use a fan, hairdryer, or dehumidifier to dry. 
  • Repeat the complete process again, if you still notice stains.

Do not directly use the dry cleaning solvent on the main carpet area as the chemicals present in it may have a negative effect on the fabric and damage it. Perform a patch test by using it in some inconspicuous area. If it’s suitable then only use it. 

You can also try using a citrus solvent or club soda to get rid of the stubborn oil stains from the carpet. For these ingredients too, you have to perform a patch test. Test it on the back of the carpet.

#Method 4 – Using white distilled vinegar

  • Create a mixture of liquid dish soap – 1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar – 1 tablespoon, and warm water –  2 cups. Put it in a bowl.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the solution and dab it on the oil stain. 
  • Continue dabbing until the stain is completely gone.
  • Now, blot and dry the portion with a paper towel.
  • Rinse the carpet area with cold water.
  • Again blot and dry the portion.
  • Make sure the carpet is completely dried. You can also use a vacuum cleaner for the drying process. 

If nothing works, call for professional help

No, you don’t have to throw the carpet away if none of the above home remedies works. You can instead call for professional help. First, you can try using the carpet cleaning solution bought from the market. If this too doesn’t work effectively then you can take professional assistance. In the case of a large spill, only professional carpet cleaners can help you. 

Some quick tips 

  • If you are following wet cleaning techniques, make sure you do not over wet as excess moisture can lead to mold growth or even damage the fabric. Dry it immediately
  • There is also grease-fighting detergent easily available in the market which you can use to eradicate oil stains
  • If the fabric is of silk material or vintage, cornstarch works better 
  • If the carpet is too expensive, better take professional help

To sum up… 

Spilling of oil is quite normal, especially on a carpet or upholstery. Don’t give up on those stubborn stains. On one try the carpet may not get cleaned as expected. You may have to work on the stains several times for better results. If you find traces, keep on repeating the cleaning process. 

Don’t worry, if you cannot spend enough time cleaning. Not all stains can successfully be removed by DIY methods and that is why professional cleaning services are there for the rescue.