7 Simple Methods to Remove Bleach Stains from Clothes like a Pro

Bleach which is often used to remove stains can itself cause permanent stains! Yes, you read it right. Bleach, one of the most common cleaning agents used in the household to get rid of stubborn stains, germs, and bacteria, if splattered on the clothing can cause unfortunate stains.
Is it really possible to get rid of such powerful stains? Don’t panic, it is all possible and that too without putting much effort. Before you jump for the solutions, let us make one thing very clear, the active ingredients present in the bleach can affect the color of the clothes. Scrubbing or washing the bleach stains could, in fact, fade the clothing color. So watch out for your move or else instead of removing the stains, you might end up removing fabric color.
Before the colorless stain becomes permanent, follow these effective and simple ways to eradicate the bleach stains from clothes:
Here is how you can start:
- Once you notice bleach stains, immediately rinse the clothing area with cold water. This will help to get rid of excess bleach
- Now prepare a thick paste by blending a little amount of baking soda and water
- Gently and evenly spread the paste over the stained area
- Let it dry for some time. Then brush off the dried paste gently. You can use an old brush for this purpose
This will help to neutralize the stain. You can now follow any of the techniques below to continue with the stain removing process.
Method 1 – Using rubbing alcohol
Suitable for small stains on dark fabric
- You can easily find and buy rubbing alcohol from any pharmacist. Put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton wool ball
- With that cotton wool ball, gently rub it on the bleach spots on the clothing
- Make sure you rub it from the outside of the stain towards the center
- The alcohol will loosen the excess dye on the clothing and slowly the original color of fabric would start spreading to the stained area and cover the bleach stain
Method 2 – Using pure alcohol
Suitable for small stains on dark fabric
Just like rubbing alcohol, you can also use pure alcohol (vodka or gin) to remove the bleach stains from clothes.
- First, dip a cotton ball in alcohol like gin or vodka. After the cotton ball gets soaked, gently rub it over the bleach stained areas
- Make sure you rub it from the outside of the stain towards the center
- The original fabric dye will get spread over the stained area and automatically the bleach stains will get covered
Method 3 – Using fabric dye
Suitable for small stains as well as large stains. Choose dye matching fabric color
It is probably the best way to restore the original fabric color loss due to bleach stains.
- You can easily find fabric dye at any craft shop or local supermarket near you. Buy the one that perfectly matches your bleached cloth color. If not perfect, at least close enough. Also, purchase a color remover, if you do not have
- Before you start with the dying process. First, use the color remover to remove all of the original fabric dye. We recommend to follow the instruction given for color removing
- Once done, you can start with redying the clothing. Also for this, we request you to follow the given instruction given on the dye packaging for the best results.
- Please, make sure to wear gloves and old clothes to prevent from unnecessary stains
Method 4 – Using a permanent fabric marker
Suitable for small stains as well as large stains
Permanence fabric markers are mostly washing machine friendly. Still, if you are doubtful, prefer hand washing the clothes on which the marker will be used.
- Buy a permanent fabric marker to treat the beach stains on the fabric
- Make sure the marker color is exactly matching the fabric color
- Now read the instruction written on the packaging and start using it the same way on the fabric
Method 5 – Using liquid dishwasher detergent
Effective is lifting large stains
- For bleach stains on fabric, mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwasher detergent with 2 cups of cold water
- Now take a clean white cloth or cotton ball and soak it into the solution
- Blot it on the bleach stain and rub gently from the outside of the stain towards the center
- Make sure the area is saturated with the diluted liquid soap. Now let it soak for around 5 to 10 minutes
- Now take another clean cloth and blot the treated area with cold water. Make sure no bleach residue is left.
- Continue to blot, until it is dry
Method 6 – Using diluted sodium thiosulfate
For immediate treatment of bleach stains on fabric
Sodium thiosulfate is popularly known as a photograph fixer due to its magical effect on beach stains. You can easily find it at any local store. You can ask for chlorine neutralizers.
- Take a bowl and mix 1 tbsp of sodium thiosulfate with 1 cup of warm water
- Soak a clean cloth in the diluted solution and blot it on the bleach stains
- Make sure the fabric nicely absorbs the diluted solution
- The stains will start vanishing. If the bleach stains are still visible, rinse the clothing in cold water
- Just like any other fabric, wash and dry it
Method 7 – Using white vinegar
For immediate treatment of bleach stains on fabric
Effective natural remedy to clean bleach stains
Just like diluted liquid dishwashing detergent, you can use diluted white vinegar to treat bleach stains on fabric
- To create a diluted solution, mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 2 cups of cold water
- Now take a clean white cloth or cotton ball and soak it into the solution
- Blot it till the bleach stains reduce. There is no need to completely saturate the vinegar mixture
- Now take another clean cloth and blot the treated area with cold water. Make sure no bleach residue is left
- If not satisfied with the result, you can repeat the process again
Your favorite clothes are no more a charity item. Now that you know how to remove bleach stains from fabric, relax and treat the stains like a pro.
How to prevent bleach stains on white clothing?
When we talk about bleach, we usually think of it as a great cleaning agent that can take care of our clothes and make them look nice and clean. It does a great job in removing stains and odors from the clothes, but it may cause some trouble if not used properly.
The most important thing that you should know is that bleach stains are very difficult to remove. But don’t worry, because there are ways on how to prevent these stains from happening in the first place. Here are some tips:
- Use only the recommended amount of bleach for each load by following the instructions on the package
- Mix water with your detergent before adding bleach
- Leave your garments in soak for 15 minutes before washing them
- Rinse all items thoroughly after
In conclusion, there are many methods one can use for bleaching their clothes. Bleach’s cleaning power may be unparalleled by any other cleaner, but care must be taken if not diluted properly before use.