Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mold from Walls

Is painting the wall a quick-fix to get rid of the stubborn mold stains?
Definitely not! Even if you use a mold-resistant paint, it will just work proactively and not reactively.
Often, the first signs of mold is the discoloration of walls and that is why painting is thought as an effective solution. But painting over the mold and mildew will only worsen the problem. It will still continue to grow, damage home and also cause serious health problems. Eliminate the root cause, following the mold removal remedies for an assured peace of mind.
Common causes of mold and mildew
If you think only old walls of old homes are prone to mold or mildew then surprisingly you are wrong. Actually, newer homes develop mold more quickly. The main reason for the occurence of the mold is humid conditions and lack of ventilation. Condensation and water leaks also cause mold on walls. In case of new homes, the tight seals around windows and doors cause more moisture which further leads to growth of mold and mildew.
Mildew may not damage the property structure but mold is a spreading fungus which can cause structural problems.
Obvious signs of molds on walls
You can spot mold on any part of your home wall but most commonly it will be found in damp areas or poor ventilated rooms like the bathroom, laundry room or basements. You can likely spot it near ceilings and baseboards.
The most obvious sign that indicates growth of mold is black or green marks on the wall. Sometimes, you will also find orange or brown spots. The other obvious signs of mold include:
- Cracked or peeling of wall paint
- Discoloration of walls
- A musty or damp odor
- Wall bulging
- Allergic symptoms like skin irritation, nasal stuffiness, wheezing, sneezing, coughing or eye irritation
How to get rid of mold from walls?
Removing molds from the wall may seem as a tough job as there is a fear of peeling the walls or damaging it more. Don’t worry, there are effective solutions to tackle the mold issues and get rid of it completely.
Using vinegar
The safe, effective and chemical-free, vinegar can kill and prevent mold on all types of walls. According to research, vinegar is powerful enough to kill 82% of mold spores. The ingredient penetrates deep into the materials and can eradicate the mold from the roots.
- Take some white distilled vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle without diluting
- Sprinkle it onto the wall and leave it at least for an hour
- Now wipe the wall portion with a clean sponge and warm water
- If needed scrub the mold using baking soda
Using baking soda
Another natural disinfectant that is highly effective for killing mold is baking soda. It not only removes the mold but also deodorizes the walls and eliminates the musty, damp odor from the home caused due to molds. It also absorbs the moisture and prevents mold from growing further.
- Create a baking soda solution by mixing 2 cups of water and add it in a spray bottle
- Shake the bottle well and spray it on the affected area
- Now brush the mold with a scrubber or scouring pad till it becomes lighter
- Later, use warm water to rinse and remove the remaining mold
- Again spray the baking soda solution on the wall to completely kill the mold
Using bleach
Another mold cleaning solution from non-porous walls is bleach. However, it will not go deep into the porous surfaces of walls and kill the mold from roots. If you think the bleach can damage the wall, test bleach on some inconspicuous part of the wall.
- Blend one part of bleach with 3 cups of water
- Apply the created solution on the mold area
- Let it settle for 10 minutes
- Use a scrubbing brush to remove the mold
- With clean water rinse the wall and dry ot with a clean cloth
NOTE: Bleaching powder contains harsh toxins which is dangerous to inhale. While using this cleaning remedy, make sure to wear a safety mask and open the windows and doors.
Using hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is also considered to be an excellent ingredient for killing mold due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Another plus point is, it does not contain any toxic substances like bleaching powder. Hydrogen peroxide is an effective solution for both porous and non-porous walls.
- Pour undiluted hydrogen peroxide (around 3% concentration) in a spray bottle
- Let it remain on the wall surface for around 10 to 15 minutes
- Use a scrubbing brush or scouring pad to scrub the wall and remove the mold
How to prevent the mold from growing on walls
Prevention is better than cure and it’s true. If you want to get rid of the cleaning process, better follow these preventions guidelines:
Bathroom area
- Switch on the exhaust fan after every shower or use of the bathroom, at least for 10 minutes.
- Let the air circulate by keeping the shower doors open. If you have shower curtains, clean the water droplets on it properly and leave it partially open for sometime.
- If the grout or caulk is your shower is clogged or damaged, get it replaced immediately.
- Conduct timely checks of moisture in cabinets
- Make sure enough sunlight reaches inside your home as it kills mold naturally. So keep your home curtains open.
- In case your basement has doors or windows, keep it open for sometime so that the air circulates.
- You can also use fans or space heaters to prevent moisture in the basement.
Types of wall and suitable solution to remove mold
Drywall – Drywall is porous, so vinegar solution is the most effective remedy to get rid of mold on walls.
Concrete – Concrete walls are porous too. Vinegar solution or even hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove molds. Also scrub to totally remove the mold from the roots.
Wallpaper – Wallpaper can easily get damaged. It is better to test the solution on some inconspicuous wall area and see if it is safe. Vinegar, grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil works best on wallpaper.
Cinder blocks – First clean the wall and apply any solution mentioned above. Let it stay for 20 minutes, scrub and remove the residue mold.
If nothing works, hiring a professional mold removing expert is the best option. For significant molds, we suggest to hire a professional.